Thursday, September 11, 2014


Imagine not having to get in your car to make the short trip downtown.  Now, can you imagine getting a bit more exercise?  And, picture yourself trying to keep your ice cream from melting on your way home after a trip to Screaming Mimis while you saunter along a trail that reveals the sweeping vistas of the Laguna de Santa Rosa.

And then there's the safety issue?

Sebastopol Trailmakers has a bike/pedestrian trail system on the drawing board that would do just that while connecting the western end of Sebastopol with the southern end.

Here is a series of three videos explaining exactly how it works (see anyone you know?):

There's also a website you can visit for more information:

So, watch the videos and contact our City Council to let them know what you think.  USE YOUR VOICE TO GET INVOLVED.  We've made it easy.  Just cut and paste the emails below and urge the City Council to take the first step in approving these trails:,,,

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