Saturday, January 31, 2015


There is a plan in the works to build an over-the-top winery off of Llano Rd. that would change our town forever.  This is an Uber production facility that would suck 11,000,000 gallons of water out of the aquifer, create a dangerous situation for those of us who enjoy the Joe Rodota Trail and cause even more traffic nightmares than we have now, particularly around harvest time.  58 times a year, they will have special events that would attract 600 or more people and clog Hwy 12 and make a major impact on the environment.  Where are those people going to park?

This winery is submitting to produce 500,000 cases of wine and 250,000 cases of distilled spirits.

There is a City Council meeting this Tuesday, the 3rd and it would benefit the community of Sebastopol to have as many people at that meeting as possible to use their voice.  Show up or...

...write to the  Sebastopol Council below:

Patrick Slayer, Mayor:, 829-9090
Sarah Glade Gurney, Vice-Mayor:, 823-6500
John Eder:, 696-4309
Una Glass:, 483-2595
Robert Jacob:, 537-5800

Here's a site that'll give you an idea as to who these folks are:

PLEASE don't put this off.  Send as brief or detailed letter to our council and county expressing your concern (or support) for this endeavor.

This is a project that would rival the Coppola Winery in Healdsburg or Kendall Jackson in Windsor and will have an enormous impact on Sebastopol.

Please write to the addresses below.

For the Sebastopol Council:

Patrick Slayer, Mayor:, 829-9090
Sarah Glade Gurney, Vice-Mayor:, 823-6500
John Eder:, 696-4309
Una Glass:, 483-2595
Robert Jacob:, 537-5800


It's been awhile since I have posted.  There are lots of excuses, but the biggest reason?

Internet access in the Sebastopol Hills.

It takes forever to navigate around the internet.  Most of my access, say 9-% is through my iPad using cellular data.  But my desktop is subject to lousy access.  There is no high speed access on the farm.

Does anyone know of a provider?  We've tried Comcast and AT&T.

So, I am not exactly jazzed when it comes time to share from my desktop.

This is not me.  It's just how I feel.
This is taking forever.