The Killing of a Vibrant Apple Orchard
Shepherd Bliss
Do not be deceived by the thin perimeter of a few live apple
trees remaining next to Apple Blossom School and the five schools near 622
Watertrough Road in the Sebastopol countryside. A glorious, historic 40-acre
orchard that nurtured people, wildlife, and the environment thrived there for
many decades. Chain-sawed trees now languish on their sides with dying green
apples, which will never ripen to red, cut down on June 14. Witnessing this
slaughter is enough to make a grown man weep.
Poisonous pesticides will then prepare the ground for an
industrial vineyard with a high fence preventing children, neighbors, and
wildlife from visiting where they have gone for decades. Multiple pesticides
will be used regularly throughout the life of the vineyard, including the
deadly fungicide Mettle, the herbicide Trigger, and the insecticide/fungicide
Purespray Green, which Hobbs is documented to use. Most of life in their path
will be killed, including bees that pollinate my nearby crops and beneficial
insects like ladybugs and dragonflies.
Hobbs promised that such deadly deeds would not happen while
children were present. An eye-witness to the devastation reported that more
than 20 children were present at school at the time. Hobbs has a history of
making and breaking promises and ignoring government regulations, then paying
paltry fines from the millions he extracts from his global industrial alcohol
empire in at least six countries.
Hobbs paints himself as a “local farmer.” Real farmers get
their hands in the dirt, rather than just be the boss who reaps the profits. Many
good winegrape growers and wineries in Sonoma County are genuinely local and
sustainable. Paul Hobbs is not one of them. He gives the industry a bad name by
being a bad apple and a bad neighbor.
Go visit, while you can, before the tall fences go up. If
told that you are on private property, remember that it is adjacent to public
property, schools paid for by your tax dollars. If Hobbs does not respect our
public property, why should we respect his individual private property, from
which his chemical assaults will trespass on the most vulnerable—our beloved
Drinking Hobb’s wine is alcohol made at the expense of
cancer, asthma, developmental/reproductive damage in vulnerable innocent
victims, as well as groundwater and air contamination.
The newly-formed Watertrough Children’s Alliance, which is
mainly mothers of students at the schools, has been challenging the vineyard
conversion. They have already gathered nearly 1000 signatures on an online and
paper petition available at:
The comments by some of the signers are worth
reading. Their website is:
What could Apple Blossom School now be called? “Vineyard
School” does not have a good ring, especially for children. What will
Sebastopol’s annual, long-time, popular Apple Blossom be renamed, now that
there are so few apple blossoms? And the annual Gravenstein Apple Fair?
(Shepherd Bliss belongs to the Apple Roots Affinity Group,
is a local farmer, and can be reached at
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